Category Archives: News

24 Houses Including Seven Affordable Approved In Sockbridge

Addis Town Planning Successfully represented developer Stoneswood Developments Ltd in negotiating the reserved matters for 24 houses following a (locally controversial) outline approval in 2017. The reserved matters application was accompanied by a standalone application for the drainage attenuation basin alongside the outline site. The final scheme is a high-quality mix of single and two-storey […]

Four out of Four

Addis Town Planning has successfully secured a range of planning approvals on behalf of the executors of an estate. The property was historically a farm so it had a farmhouse, a traditional outbuilding, two parcels of land and a modern agricultural shed. We were instructed to review the overall asset and consider the best approach […]

Appeal success – dwelling retained for ancillary accommodation rather than being demolished

Background: The applicant was granted planning permission for a replacement dwelling subject to a condition that the original dwelling must be  demolished. Following construction of the replacement dwelling, the applicant sought to retain the original dwelling as ancillary accommodation. The local planning authority refused the application on the basis that the site wasn’t a sustainable […]

Planning Approved – Listed Buildings Saved

Addis Town Planning has recently secured planning permission and listed building consent for the redevelopment of Grade II listed Pembroke Farm, Brougham. The farmhouse and the courtyard of traditional barns had fallen into a state of disrepair. We were instructed to prepare and submit the planning and listed building consent applications. Viability was already tight […]

Application Submitted for 13 New Houses in Langwathby

Addis Town Planning has submitted its first Major planning application for a residential development at land in Langwathby, Penrith. Approval is sought for outline planning permission for the erection of up to 13 dwellings (three of which would be affordable). An indicative layout was prepared by Graham K Norman Architects. Noise Assessment by LA Environmental […]

Land Value Capture – Sharing The Uplift

Traditionally in the UK the increase in land value through the granting of planning permission has always been captured by the landowner. Government figures suggest that a residential planning permission can increase the value of agricultural land from £22,000 – £1.95 million per hectare. Elsewhere, particularly in Europe and Asia, public authorities can access the […]

First Planning Approval

Addis Town Planning is delighted to announce its first planning approval. The application sought permission for the demolition of sheds on brownfield land and their replacement with a dwelling. Planning officers had refused a very similar application a few months earlier and continued to resist the application. The new application was approved unanimously by members of […]