Category Archives: News

Removing Agricultural Occupancy Restrictions

I am often contacted by landowners looking to remove agricultural occupancy conditions from agricultural worker’s dwellings (AWDs) and my advice is usually that there are two options. The first option is based on who has occupied the property historically. If the property has been occupied without significant interruption for a period of ten years or […]

Thar She Blows! The revised NPPF goes to press.

We were promised that the revised NPPF would be issued before the summer recess and the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government always delivers. The new document replaces the 2012 version which since its inception has been the subject of an incredible volume of interpretation by planners, inspectors, lawyers and the courts. Announcing the […]

Allerdale Borough Council Planning Appeal: Settlement Boundaries

Allerdale Borough Council has had its settlement boundaries and the planning policies that control development outside of those boundaries torpedoed by a recent appeal decision. In the appeal decision the Inspector held that the settlement boundaries – based on the 1998 Local Plan – are out of date. Until Allerdale Borough Council adopts Part 2 […]