Planning Approved – Listed Buildings Saved

Addis Town Planning has recently secured planning permission and listed building consent for the redevelopment of Grade II listed Pembroke Farm, Brougham.

The farmhouse and the courtyard of traditional barns had fallen into a state of disrepair. We were instructed to prepare and submit the planning and listed building consent applications.

Viability was already tight so we commissioned a viability assessment. On review, it was clear that without some form of ‘enabling development’ the scheme wouldn’t get off the ground.

We submitted a hybrid planning application which included full planning permission for the redevelopment of the farmhouse and the conversion of the courtyard of barns to create four new dwellings, and outline planning permission for the erection of two new builds as enabling development.

To their credit, the application was supported by officers at Eden District Council who recognised the significant benefits of the scheme.

Both planning permission and listed building consent were approved under delegated powers.

A really satisfying planning result which will see significant investment in these buildings to secure them for the future.

Planning and Project Management by Addis Town Planning – Plans by Ashwood Design – Viability Assessment by Carigiet Cowen – Bat Survey by Hesketh Ecology

Pembroke Farm Satellite Location Plan

Approved Site Plan